First godot game . WASD to move, M1/e to grapple. right click to release grapple.
esc to go back to main menu.

Releasing grapple will give you extra speed.

14-16 are challenge levels, you may not be able to complete them. Below are hints for the levels.

14. you have to climb with only a vertical wall. if you grapple a location above you, while holding the direction opposite of the wall, you will swing upwards. you can climb slowly. if you climb up a bit and then drop down and use the same technique, gravity will add velocity to your swing and releasing gives you a boost. this is the most difficult level.

15. this is pretty simple, grapple where all the spikes are and you will swing upward. you simply have to time your grapples to not hit the spikes

16. the easiest but hardest to figure out. Stand right above the purple block, and hook so that the grapple is short and you are on the right side. Hold 'd' and you will invisibly be growing in velocity. when you release you will shoot to the right.(continue to hold d)


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